Triangle Self Defense Fundamentals
How to Stay Safe in Any Situation
Presented by
Tim Hinton of Karate USA and Mike Davis of Safeguard Self Defense
This powerful and informative 60-minute presentation will cover the basics of what you need to know to stay safe in the most common situations to avoid being robbed, assaulted, or worse.
- Situational awareness
- Verbal and emotional boundary setting
- Effective physical self-defense
- Effective use of non lethal self defense products like pepper spray and stun gunsWe will be focusing on attacks by a single, unarmed potential assailant – the most common form of attack that individuals face.We will discuss the basic elements of having the right attitude to make you an undesirable target.
Our next workshop will be: TBA
Contact Tim or Mike to register or to schedule a workshop for your organization.
Tim Hinton (919) 491- 4182 |
Mike Davis (919) 435-4832 |
Alan Edwardo of Ajmar Security wants to help make your part of the world a little safer.
We live in a constantly changing, sometimes uncertain world where knowledge of
security awareness for our families, ourselves and our property is important. Alan is an expert on personal, residential and commercial security to expand your security awareness, including:
‘situational awareness’
‘personal awareness’
practical applications and techniques of basic self defense and personal safety.
security awareness for our families, ourselves and our property is important. Alan is an expert on personal, residential and commercial security to expand your security awareness, including:
‘situational awareness’
‘personal awareness’
practical applications and techniques of basic self defense and personal safety.
Alan is sure to open your eyes and increase your safety IQ!
Contact Alan at: